Ram Kali Tharuni from Thakurdwara, Bardiya successfully completed her skills assessment for Construction Mason Level 2 from Bheri Technical School in Nepalgunj. She was introduced to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) from her colleagues who also encouraged her to apply for skills assessment.

The RPL approach helps increase opportunities for employability in the formal job market, particularly benefitting individuals who, due to various circumstances, have not undergone formal training. It provides them the opportunity to have skills certificates, have gainful employment and pursue further studies if desired.

The Nepal Vocational Qualifications System Project-Phase II (NVQS P-II) has been supporting National Skill Testing Board to conduct skills test through RPL approach. NVQS P-II is a bi-lateral initiative of Government of Nepal and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC. Swisscontact provides technical assistance to the project on behalf of SDC.