Demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills by critically analyzing synthesizing and evaluating data, making judgments and identifying solutions to problems.
Demonstrate a systematic acquisition and understanding of substantial amount of knowledge in the area of specialization and/or professional practice.
Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry/professional practice.
Disseminate findings of scientific/intellectual enquiry through publications and/or presentation at an internationally accepted level.
Communicate in oral and written format the findings, ideas, and conclusions effectively to specialist and non-specialist audiences. Exercise leadership and originality in tackling and solving problems in professional, technical, and academic settings. Conceptualize, design, and implement new projects to generate new knowledge and applications. Identify, conceptualize, and provide creative insights into complex issues and problems, and demonstrate self-direction and confidence in solving problems. Supervise and guide research to generate substantial insight in the discipline. Exercise a high level of autonomy and initiative in professional, administrative, and managerial activities. Exercise initiative, personal responsibility and accountability in tasks performed.
Competent to demonstrate independently a comprehensive & substantive level of knowledge and understanding in the area of study.
Exhibit high level of professional knowledge to critically analyze complex data, make independent judgments and propose valid solutions to problems.
Demonstrate a comprehensive & substantive level of knowledge and understanding in the area of study.
Critically Analyze data, make judgments, and propose solutions to problems.
Use efficiently and effectively, practical skills and enquiry within the area of study. Construct and sustain arguments and use appropriately these arguments, ideas and techniques in problem solving.
Demonstrate awareness of the current developments in the area of study through written and oral communication. Exercise leadership in the professional environment/workplace. Plan and implement tasks at professional and managerial levels. Take initiative, assume personal responsibility, and demonstrate accountability and ability to instill entrepreneurship. Exercise initiative, personal responsibility and accountability in tasks performed. Demonstrate positive attitudes and social responsibility
Competent in knowledge and complete understanding of concepts and principles of the areas of study.
Exhibit professional competency to Collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative and qualitative data.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles of the areas of study.
Collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative and qualitative data.
Develop arguments and make sound judgments in accordance with basic theories and concepts of the areas of study.
Apply knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles of the areas of study.
Exercise initiative, personal responsibility and accountability in tasks performed. Demonstrate positive attitudes and social responsibility.
Present information, ideas, and concepts efficiently and effectively. Exercise personal/team responsibility, and leadership in the professional environment/workplace. Develop arguments and make appropriate judgments in accordance with theories and concepts of the areas of study. Take initiative, assume personal responsibility and demonstrate accountability.
Competent in comprehensive scope of work to be performed in the context of the sector or sub-sector with high level of complexity in unpredictable circumstances with adequate autonomy and creativity. Exhibit creativity and managerial expertise such as planning, team building, monitoring and leading subordinates and managing resources at optimal.
Extensive professional and general knowledge. Profound understanding and sound exposition of all relevant theoretical aspects.
Perform full range of highly complicated tasks at the highest level.
(A) Independently leading a small and medium business or
(B) Eligible for bachelor’s degree in a University
Competent in extended range of complex technical and professional work frequently in predictable and occasionally in unpredictable context with required autonomy. Exhibit creativity, team building skills, resource management skills. Play an important role in the decision-making process. Apply principles into practice and have required cognitive skills.
Wide range of profound knowledge in occupational area and closely related fields. Complex estimation Team management Enterprise management
Perform a wide range of complex technical operations at very high level. Apply principles into practice. Use supervision skills. Use of high range of cognitive skills.
Supervise subordinates and activities in an occupational field. Coordinate groups of subordinates involved in various activities. Suggest for decision making
Competent in a broad range of advanced works using resources with certain autonomy. Lead small team frequently in different roles and communicate effectively. Supervise/guide subordinates to perform routine tasks and solve critical problems.
Concept, Fact, Principle, Process and technical knowledge of an occupation. General education Simple Estimation Entrepreneurship skills
Practical skill of complex tasks Critical problem-solving skills. A range of cognitive skills Use heavy machines and equipment. Communication skill
Supervise subordinates to perform routine task of an occupation. Solve critical problems. Transfer skills to subordinate
Perform basic work in a defined context under supervision and with minimal autonomy. Basic works in defined context require the worker to apply simple techniques and have minimal cognitive skills to solve routine problems.
Factual and conceptual knowledge of related useful/common skills of an occupation Basic education Calculation/Mathematics
Practical skills of useful/common skills Cognitive skill to solve routine problems. Apply techniques to carry out practical skills. Apply all the tools and equipment for occupation
Perform defined task. Solve daily simple problems. Perform regular routine tasks. Solve critical problem under supervision of a supervisor
Perform routine works of limited scope and minimal complexity as instructed in diverse intra-sectorial environment. Routine works of limited scope and minimal complexity require the worker to identify simple tools, equipment and materials and use simple hand tools.
Basic knowledge of defined occupations/ sector Literacy and numeracy
Identify simple tools, material and equipment of occupations/sector. Use hand tools according to the instruction. Basic skill to carryout simple instructed task
Perform a task under direct supervision. Follow the instruction to perform a simple task